Having been brought up as a Christian, my youth was far from a Christian lifestyle however I always knew that Jesus is real and feared God. I had experienced a lot of trauma in my life and seen many things I cannot begin to explain. However later on in my mid/late 20’s I believe the Lord began to draw my attention and I began to pray more and read my Bible more little by little. Before I knew it I had fully surrendered my life to the Lord and began to seek His face and presence more than ever before in 2019.
It was not until a few months ago that I had started to feel an urge to seek deliverance however at the same time I was in doubt and honestly was a little afraid and not sure if I needed deliverance. During this period out of the blue while I would read my Bible I would have really blasphemous and bad thoughts about God and I was so shocked as I knew this was not from me or of me and this had never happened before especially while reading the Bible, at the same time at night I began feeling as though I was being watched and was afraid of the dark I then could feel a demonic presence in my room. I knew then that I have to reach out and get deliverance and I do believe God lead me to find Remnant 23:4 ministry.
I got in touch and Colin and he kindly agreed, On the day of the deliverance I suddenly began to feel afraid and was reluctant to want to go through but deep down inside I knew I had to. I explained how I felt to Colin and he told me not to be afraid and explained what he was going to do and we began. During the process at some point as Colin was praying and casting out the evil spirits I heard the evil spirit speak saying her mother didn’t want her. I then felt as though I wasn’t present and then I would return this happened several times where by I would come in and out of conciseness its hard to try and explain this. At some point I just felt something move up and out of me through my shoulders. As we continued I also suddenly had a very runny almost like watery nose that too quickly stopped. As Colin continued to pray over me and cast out and rebuke any evil spirit in the name of Jesus, I felt extremely weak and remember I began to shake very hard at which point I felt as though something was trying to stop me from saying anything before I knew it I was semi present and could hear the evil spirit saying I was his wife and I blacked out again. I remember screaming and crying out to God. After all this Colin told me that I had been growling and that the evil spirit had said I was his wife. Once all this had occurred. I could hear myself scream and I felt something leave me and I felt lighter however I was extremely tired. I believe that God used Colin by the power of the Holy Spirit to deliver me from three separate demonic spirits and asked for the Holy Spirit to fill me.
Since my deliverance I sleep better and do not feel any evil presence watching me nor have I had any sudden blasphemous thoughts while reading the Bible. Who the Son sets free is free indeed. I am so grateful. i have to share that I was surprised as I read my Bible and prayed almost daily so I could not understand how this was possible, I do believe that the more time you spend with the Lord and reading His word He will shine his light on things and reveal things we may not even realise may be at work. Thank you Jesus for delivering me from the enemy! I give all the Glory, Honor and Praise to you Lord. Thank you Colin for allowing the Lord to use you in such a mighty way, may God continue to use you, bless you and keep you safe.
Sister in Christ
Hi Colin,
I just want to thank you for praying with me earlier - it's made such a difference. It's weird, I feel like I can breathe more easily and when I take a deep breath, my lungs feel free-er. It reminded me of a line from the old song I Am A New Creation, where it goes "a lightness in my spirit".
And I feel happy. I can't remember the last time I felt happy...usually I don't feel much, neither happy nor sad, just kind of nothing. But now, rather than just knowing that God loves me, I feel it too.
Oh, and when I spent some time worshipping and praying earlier, I didn't yawn once! I didn't even feel a bit tired!
God is so good!
And thank you once again for taking the time out to pray with me. We seem to be really hard pressed in this country to find "kosher" deliverance ministries, so I thank God that I managed to find you!
Take care, and God bless you and your work.
For the last 10 years I've had a tenseness and heaviness in my shoulders and neck, my jaw was constantly tight and felt clenched which I had gotten used to. I've also seen shadow figures in the house and during an episode of sleep paralysis saw a shadow enter the room, come into me and lift me from the bed, I've also felt them lay alongside me in the bed and other experiences. I came to the Lord in 2019 and recently had an urge to seek deliverance.
Colin placed one hand on my head and instantly I felt a tingle starting from my legs going up though my body into my head, then placed a hand on my chest and prayed for the Holy Spirit's presence. He bound the evil spirits in Jesus name and commanded them to leave, that's when I opened my eyes and felt really dizzy like I was going to fall over, I had to hold onto something so I didn't lose balance. He continued to command them to leave in Jesus name. He pleaded the Blood of Jesus Christ over me asked the Holy Spirit to anoint and fill me.
I felt relief, lighter, couldn't stop smiling and felt like laughing. He asked me how I felt, there was a warmth in my shoulder like there was now blood flowing through that area when before it had felt cold and the muscles in my shoulders, neck and jaw felt relaxed and my posture was different, like I could stand straight with ease and no effort. We prayed and thanked the Lord for his kindness and love!
I feel happier, lighter physically and spiritually. I look different, like something has been lifted off my face, my face is lighter and shining. I also feel more energetic, not so sleepy and my mood has changed. A weight has been lifted from my shoulders, praise Jesus!
Hi My name is Bryan and I would like to share my testimony with you, a few months ago I use to suffer with anxiety and worry a lot all kind of things was going on with me, so I decided to seek help and began to search the web, then I came across The Remnant 23:4 Ministry I got in touch and they arranged a prayer session for me, every since we had the prayer session my life has changed, the anxiety left and all the other problems that I used to have, God is real because he delivered me from all of my troubles, I just want to say a big thank you to The Remnant 23:4 Ministry and may God bless you all in Jesus name.
"I came across Remnant 23:4 Ministry a few months ago. I was struggling with nightmares, but also I knew something did not feel right spiritually as I struggled to make sense of life and God. I was born into a Christian household, but unfortunately my heritage also had involvement in ungodly events such as witchcraft, and I also had unknowingly taken part in such, for example, astrology, palm reading amongst other things; things I thought were innocent, others I knew were not innocent but did anyway.
By God's grace I was led to this Ministry who offered multiple prayer sessions with me. During the sessions, I was prayed for extensively, and we went through everything we thought may be affecting me, from childhood events to recent events. Everyone was patient and were fully led by the Holy Spirit in praying for what was needed to be prayed for, we read scriptures and worshipped God. At times, the prayer warriors spoke words of knowledge that would bring to my remembrance events that had affected me, that I needed to forgive, let go of, or denounce.
Many things were called out and God truly worked on my behalf during these sessions, to set me free! I've learned to walk in complete freedom and to live life from a place of victory because of the sacrifice Jesus made for me. I have much more confidence to be bold and understand my identity in Christ Jesus.
From then, the nightmares died down, and I know my authority also, as everyone has taught me the difference between relationship and religion, through this Ministry I've also been encouraged to take more time reading the Word and spending time in prayer. Thank you all for the deliverance/prayer sessions and for allowing God to use you! Blessings to you all."
Glory be to God. I am writing this testimony in Faith. God is able to do *exceedingly* abundantly ABOVE all we could ever ask or think. I am thankful to God for removing blockages in my life that were trying to stop me from moving into the awesome blessing of God. I battled with insecurity, failed relationship, struggled with sexual sin, revengeful spirit, depression etc. I always wanted to change but kept hitting a brick wall. I used to feel frustrated because deep down I knew (I truly know) that God has a greater plan for me to help set others free and to have a dynamic intimate walk with God where HE displays his awesomeness. I contacted remnant 234 via email and had an online zoom deliverance with Colin and Stephanie. I appreciated the Scriptures they used and had moments of silence to listen to leading of what the Holy Spirit was instructing. Listening is such and important skill. I have another session booked So today I am declaring by faith because IT IS already mine through Christ that I am FREE from all demonic influences/ oppression/ bondage. I have an amazing relationship with my heavenly Father that grows every day, I am blessed beyond measure,I hear from God, I walk by faith and not by sight,I am successful in every area of my life I have peace in Christ, I live in the super natural presence of God, my family and community are blessed. I will win souls for Christ, I am healed and have fresh anointing from God EVERY day etc. To confirm and clarify I will send part 2 of the great work God has started in me. Jude 24-25 King James Version 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Try Jesus, HE will never fail you.
Hello Mr. Colin,
I just want to wish you a very happy and beautiful new month of December, and use the opportunity to say another thank you.
May the good Lord Jesus Christ continue to be with you and your family, grow and use you mightily,
My life has really been different already since the deliverance, I testify that spiritually, physically, mentally, everything has changed. I am happier and loving too.
there is no going back to my old ways as I have tasted and still taste-ing the goodness of abiding under the shadow of the almighty God.
Thank you so much. I also want to use this opportunity to say my regards to Steph and a big thank you to her too.
God Bless.
The main reason I sought deliverance was for fear. As I knew this was a big issue for me. During the session it was simple and effective and even got delivered from other things that I thought weren’t an issue for me.
Colin was kind and extremely patient for the length of time me and my husband were going through this prayer session and was ready and willing to answer any questions we had before and after! He also went through some extra things that may be helpful for me to do with the help of the Lord, regarding fear and from that day I haven’t experienced fear in such an extreme way again!
It feels truly great to be free and way easier to take any thoughts captive and move on. The lord truly cares about setting his children free, and who the son sets free is free indeed!
Before my deliverance prayer session, I was suffering from issues relating to my former religion, anger, addiction and other issues. God delivered me from these issues and I feel 100 times better than I did before, I wouldn't be saved now if it wasn't for God drawing me to him and I wouldn't be in the position I am in at this stage of my life if God wasn't looking out for me from before I came to know him. Glory to God.
Once I realised I needed deliverance I went online to look for relevant ministries. Out of a few that I reached out to The Remnant ministry got back to me in a timely and very professional manner.
I found the process leading to my deliverance meeting to be very well structured by the ministry.
Once in the prayer room my deliverance consultant put me at ease by taking the time to explain the process, listen to my story, understand me as a person and relate to me. I felt very comfortable and safe.
The deliverance session itself was within the realms of expectation - I had some thought not very dramatic manifestations. My deliverance consultant took over 3 hours of his own time on a weekend to pray for me. To me that is what touched me the most. I experienced a portion of God's love and care trough the practicality of someone taking time of their own day for no reward of their own to help me.
A second session was needed and my deliverance consultant happily booked it with me. Overall he must have spent a total of 4-5 hours on me.
As a direct result of the deliverance sessions I feel more peaceful, aligned and focused on God. Issues that I had prior have disappeared.
What fascinated me was that The Remnant ministry don't only pray for you. They also equip you with knowledge needed to live in the freedom that Christ bought for us on the cross.
I couldn't recommend this ministry more!
Irene is 85 years old and has experienced demonic harassment from an early age including evil spirits in the home that would lift the bed from underneath at night time among other manifestations.
When she was around 30 years old her husband's mother died with her by her side. Irene saw her mother-in-law appear standing behind her husband. Not long after she heard her mother-in-law and father-in-law who had also passed speak to her in her mind. They asked to be 'let in' and to 'come into her', which Irene allowed. Sometime later she says she felt them leave.
It was explained to Irene that demons are deceptive and desire to inhabit human bodies which they will consider their 'house' and are reluctant to leave if let in, but can driven out under the authority and in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.
We prayed together and led Irene in prayer to the Father to confess and repent of unknowingly letting the enemy in and to renounce Satan and break any legal rights or attachments. The Holy Spirit was invited and his presence welcomed.
I placed my hands on Irene's head and shoulder and her legs raised and went stiff, she felt tense. The evil spirits were addressed, bound and commanded to leave in the name of Jesus, Irene said she could feel a buzzing in her head. I continued to command them to leave and asked for the Holy Spirit to anoint and fill her. A tingling warm feeling that started in her feet continued up through her body and to her head and the buzzing feeling went away. She felt a sense of relief, happiness and peace.
The change in Irene was immediate, like a shadow had been lifted from her face. Her face was actually shining and lighter, her facial expressions and voice were different, others who know her have commented on her shining face! She feels the Holy Spirit's presence throughout the day, feels uplifted and knows Jesus Christ has delivered her, she can't stop singing! Praise God!